
Everyday is Yoga Day at AAF

yoga day anu aggarwal foundation

Everyday is Yoga Day at AAF

Everyday is Yoga Day at AAF 1

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

International Yoga Day or not, Yoga has importance in everyone’s life.

Thriving for many years, yoga received international recognition by the United Nations in 2014 when it was officially declared International Yoga Day on 21 June.

Today Yoga has become the trendsetter not only in India but in every corner of the world and people have started to recognize the power of our age-old discovery. It is widely practiced to maintain physical and mental health.

Each yoga posture or asana has a different significance that heals different parts of our body. There are thousands of benefits of yoga. With daily yoga practice, one can gain flexibility, patience, balance, strength, harmony, relief from anxiety, etc.

Yoga at AAF

Yoga plays an important role in the life of AAF director Anu Aggrawal. Being a yoga therapist herself, Anu works to bring peace and provide mental health support to people who need her guidance and support.

Anu’s unique approach to Yoga, which is inspired by the ancient and modern holistic life and a mix of a little love ingrained a different change in people’s lives.

With so many lives that AAF touched with Yoga, we are blessed and happy to share this discipline with the world and to bring positive change in their life.

Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer’s own form.”

― Patanjali

We wish you a joyful and fruitful world yoga day!

You can visit here for more information about AAF. And to book sessions with us contact us at  ​​anu@anuaggarwalfoundation.org.

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