Anu Aggarwal Foundation

Importance Of Self Sufficiency For Women 1
The Importance of Self-Sufficiency for Women

The journey towards self-sufficiency is a crucial step towards empowering women and enabling them to take control of their lives. In today’s world where women still face numerous barriers, it provides a strong foundation for women to overcome societal challenges. By taking control of their financial stability, emotional well-being, and personal growth, they can unlock […]

Negative Effects Of Technology On Mental Health
Negative Effects of Technology on Mental Health

Technology can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. The constant flow of information and stimulation can make it difficult to relax and unwind, potentially leading to sleep problems and a decrease in overall well-being. The negative impact of technology on mental health is made worse for those who are already struggling with […]

The Role Of Mental Health In Attention-Seeking Behavior
The Role of Mental Health in Attention-Seeking Behavior

Attention-seeking behavior in adults can result from childhood experiences such as neglect, trauma, or abuse. Mental health is an important factor in the development and expression of attention-seeking behavior. It is important to note that attention-seeking can be a symptom of underlying psychological conditions, such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, etc. Is attention-seeking behavior in […]

How Does Nature Impact Our Wellbeing 1
How does Nature Impact our Wellbeing

Nature holds a special place in our hearts and minds, providing a respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life. The magic of nature lies in its ability to bring us back to our roots, the essence of our being, and nourish our souls with its calming energy. The allure of nature is timeless, […]

Negative Effects Of Poor Relationships On Mental Health
Negative Effects of Poor Relationships on Mental Health

Toxic relationships can take a significant toll on your mental health. These types of relationships can cause stress, anxiety, and depression, and can lead to a decline in your self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, toxic relationships can increase the risk of substance abuse and other unhealthy coping mechanisms. Studies have shown that individuals in toxic relationships […]

How To Control Anger In A Relationship 1
How to Control Anger in a Relationship

Everyone feels anger as it is a natural human emotion that can arise in any relationship, but it can also have damaging effects if not managed properly. To make any relationship successful you need to control anger. Uncontrolled anger can create misunderstandings, hurt feelings and lead to conflicts in your relationship. In this article, we’ll […]

Stress At Work 1
Dealing with Stress at Work

Dealing with stress at work can be tricky. Work stress has become a common thing in today’s fast-paced world. The ever-changing nature of the modern workplace can increase stress levels, which, if left unchecked, can lead to burnout and negative effects on mental health. In today’s society, where work and productivity are highly valued, it […]

The Impact Of Social Media On Mental Health-1
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

There is a profound impact of social media on mental health. On one hand, it provides a platform for people to connect, share experiences and support each other. While on the other hand, it can contribute to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression. Excessive use of social media can also lead to addiction and has […]

Yoga Transforms Life Anu Aggarwal Foundation
How Yoga Transforms Your Life

How Yoga Transforms Your Life   Photo by on Pexels Yoga practices have been around for ages and as old as they are there are some healing elements that have miraculous power to transform your life. Anyone who has practiced yoga for a long time has experienced the magic of this age-old practice for […]