
Personality Development Through Yoga

personality development anu aggarwal foundation

Personality Development Through Yoga

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Photo by Lucas Pezeta on Pexels


  • Since ancient times yoga helps in our spiritual growth.
  • Yoga opens the way to different dimensions of our personality.
  • There are many asanas through which we can achieve our emotional, physical, and spiritual development.

There is no doubt that yoga has many benefits ranging from mental health, and spiritual health to physical health. Over the centuries people have discovered the many benefits of yoga. There is no age limit and any age group can do it.

Along with health benefits and giving flexibility and strength to your body, yoga also develops our personality.

Personality development is an important development that determines our self-worth and how we appear in personal and social settings. It is the personality that determines how we behave in a certain situation. And whether we are friendly or have different personalities. Personality summaries are the overall behavioral attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and habits.

There are different dimensions of personality and it is not limited to any one aspect. This includes emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual behavior. And to develop a holistic personality, Yoga plays an important role.

Let us see how the practice of yoga daily can help in improving our personality.

Does Yoga Change Your Personality?

Yoga plays an important role in the development of personality in all dimensions.

Yoga for physical development 

  • In the physical dimension of personality, all the parts of our body should work properly so that our body remains healthy.
  • Various asanas and pranayama of yoga help to improve the function of these organs and help in physical development.

Yoga for emotional development

  • In the emotional dimension of personality development, yoga also helps in the development of our feelings, attitudes, and feelings. It also helps in transforming negative feelings and emotions into positive ones.
  • Negative emotions are a hindrance to personality development. And to control and eliminate it, yoga practices are proven to bring about emotional stability.

Yoga for social development

  • Yoga plays an important role in the social dimension of personality development.
  • Practicing yoga daily brings clarity, calmness, and stillness which helps in thinking clearly and controlling our emotions.
  • If our mind is calm then we can communicate effectively with others also and this improves our relationship with others.

Yoga for spiritual development

  • Yoga helps in the development of values in the spiritual dimension of personality.
  • It helps in self-realization and understanding of your inner strength and true identity.
  • Our moral values are boosted by introspecting and developing our inner energy through meditation and other yoga asanas.

Benefits of Yoga for Personality Development

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Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels

Personal growth is an important aspect. We can develop ourselves with the help of yoga which gives us flexibility, strength, and a path to personal growth on which we can walk.

Yoga is not only for our body, but it is always for our mind as well. Yoga since ancient times has been a way of looking at our souls which automatically takes care of our bodies.

Yoga shows us the path of enlightenment through its various asanas, which give us emotional, spiritual, and physical growth.

There are many importance of yoga that helps in personality development. Some of them are:

  • It helps manage stress
  • It gives relaxation
  • It lowers the blood pressure
  • It gives thought clarity
  • It helps in self-identification
  • It helps in awareness and controlling of our emotions

Yoga Asanas for Personality Development

There are many yoga asanas or practices that contribute to the development of our personality.

  • Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation
  • Tadasana – Palm tree posture
  • Katichakrasana – Lumber Twist Posture
  • Simhasana – Lion Posture
  • Mandukasana – Frog Posture
  • Uttana-mandukasana – Stretched up Frog Posture
  • Kukkutasana – Cockerel Posture
  • Akarna Dhanurasana – Bow and Arrow Posture
  • Matsyasana – Fish Posture
  • Bhujangasana – Cobra Posture
  • Makarasana – Crocodile Posture
  • Shalabhasana – Locust Posture

AAF as a mentor and a friend guide you to transform your personality through its unique yoga approach.

You can book your session with us at anu@anuaggarwalfoundation.org.

TAGS: Holistic Lifestyle, AAF, mental health, personality development, yoga, yoga for personality development

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