Anu Aggarwal Foundation

The Importance Of Self Awareness In Interpersonal Relationships 1
The Importance of Self-Awareness in Interpersonal Relationships

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence and is a crucial factor in shaping your interpersonal relationships. It refers to your ability to understand your own feelings, thoughts, and behaviours, and how they affect others. When you are self-aware, you can more easily identify your strengths and weaknesses, recognize your biases and limitations, and acknowledge […]

Importance Of Self Sufficiency For Women 1
The Importance of Self-Sufficiency for Women

The journey towards self-sufficiency is a crucial step towards empowering women and enabling them to take control of their lives. In today’s world where women still face numerous barriers, it provides a strong foundation for women to overcome societal challenges. By taking control of their financial stability, emotional well-being, and personal growth, they can unlock […]

Negative Effects Of Technology On Mental Health
Negative Effects of Technology on Mental Health

Technology can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. The constant flow of information and stimulation can make it difficult to relax and unwind, potentially leading to sleep problems and a decrease in overall well-being. The negative impact of technology on mental health is made worse for those who are already struggling with […]

The Role Of Mental Health In Attention-Seeking Behavior
The Role of Mental Health in Attention-Seeking Behavior

Attention-seeking behavior in adults can result from childhood experiences such as neglect, trauma, or abuse. Mental health is an important factor in the development and expression of attention-seeking behavior. It is important to note that attention-seeking can be a symptom of underlying psychological conditions, such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, etc. Is attention-seeking behavior in […]