Anu Aggarwal Foundation

5 Practises for Self-Love

5 Practices Of Self Love Anu Aggarwal Foundation


5 Practices for Self-Love

5 Self Love Practises


  • Self-love is important and cannot be ignored
  • Practising self-love heals several mental issues
  • Only when you love and accept yourself, you can give love to others

It is no secret that self-love opens the door to security, satisfaction and happiness in life. There is a lot of research that proves that self-love leads to good mental health and well-being. It also helps in keeping anxiety and depression at door. Hence it becomes important to practice self-love exercises in your daily routine to lead a happy life.

Let us look at 5 exercises you can do to practice self-love.

Common Practices for Self-love

(1)  Let go of expectations

Expectations create tension, whether it is from others or ourselves. Social expectations and individual expectations set unrealistic standards that are difficult to achieve. And when these expectations are not fulfilled then you may have to face sorrow.

(2)  Live in the present

One of the most common advice is to live in the moment, but what does that really mean? Forget about the future and don’t plan it for the long term. Living in the present means planning for the future but don’t let today pass you by this time. See what moment you are living in, whether it is the boiling of tea, the running of water, children’s play, the smell of flowers or the sunrise. Small moments will help you live in the present and the more you focus on the present, the more you will focus on yourself without getting lost in the thought of other times.

(3)  Feel Gratitude

Feeling daily gratitude is the shortest but most powerful way to get back to yourself. You can either start a gratitude journal, where you can write down everything around you and feel grateful for it. Or you can note it on your phone or remember it mentally. And say thanks to all those things before going to bed and after rising up.

(4)  Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish and when done regularly it can lead to a happy life. Take care of all your needs without demanding too much, be it physically or mentally.

5 Self Love Practises 1

Picture by Geralt on Pixabay

(5)  Let go of things you cannot control

There are many things that you cannot control such as other people’s thinking, behaviour, your future etc. It’s okay to surrender to things you don’t have control over. Expecting too much from circumstances and other ailments leads to controlling nature which eventually turns into a great disappointment.

Anu Fun Yoga (AFY)

The celebrated actress, author, speaker and Yogini, Anu Aggarwal, focuses on maximizing potential in people’s lives and increasing happiness and peace. A trained and mastered meditation and an ambassador for UNHCR. He believes that people are very cautious when it comes to mental health. They don’t want to talk about it because they fear society may take their mental health negatively.

According to Anu, mental health is a state of well-being in which each individual realises his or her potential, can cope with life stresses, work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to his or her community.

With the sole purpose of spreading positivity and love, Anu’s AnuFunYoga brought healing to people’s lives. While so many people have been healed and found positivity in their lives, Anu’s journey doesn’t stop here. Ss she continues to walk with greater reach and bring joy to the lives of those with whom she crosses her path.

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