
What is the stigma on men’s mental health?

stigma on males mental health anu aggarwal foundation

What is the stigma on men’s mental health?

stigma male mental health


  • Over 77% of men suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression
  • Very few men seek mental health support
  • As long as there is stigma and misconceptions about mental health, especially for men, it will be difficult to get healed.

Why do men not seek mental health?

According to research, about 77% of men suffer from common mental health problems like anxiety and depression. And because of the stigma surrounding men’s mental health, there are very few who seek help for it.

But why? What are some reasons men shy away from talking about emotional trauma? In this article, we’ll talk about the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and how the AAF can help them.

Stigmas around men’s mental health

The most important reason not to seek help for mental health issues is the belief that men in society do not go through emotional trauma. Men and boys should not look weak and such mental problems will make them look weak.

Most of the men also don’t talk about their mental health because most of the time they don’t have anyone to share it with or they don’t want their loved ones to burden their emotional issues. Some men are even embarrassed while others learn to deal with it or ignore it. While many people think that they do not need any support.

But this is not always the issue, with most men revealing their mental health issues to someone at some point in life. At that point either it gets too serious or the one they enjoy didn’t take it seriously. So it is important to seek help and support which will help in overcoming any mental problem easily.

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Picture by Darwis Alwanon Pexels

How AnufunYoga will Support You

The celebrated actress, author, speaker and Yogini, Anu Aggarwal, focuses on maximizing potential in people’s lives and increasing happiness and peace. A trained and mastered meditation and an ambassador for UNHCR. He believes that people are very cautious when it comes to mental health. They don’t want to talk about it because they fear society may take their mental health negatively.

With the sole purpose of spreading positivity and love, Anu’s AnuFunYoga brought healing to people’s lives. While so many people have been healed and found positivity in their lives, Anu’s journey doesn’t stop here. Ss she continues to walk with greater reach and bring joy to the lives of those with whom she crosses her path.

To book your sessions contact us at anu@anuaggarwalfoundation.org.


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