
Do Cartoons Positively Affect Your Mental Health

Do Cartoons Positively Affect Your Mental Health 1

Do Cartoons Positively Affect Your Mental Health

Do Cartoons Positively Affect Your Mental Health 1

You would be surprised to know that watching children’s cartoons has many positive benefits on your mental health.

Cartoon as a Self-Medication

Therapists explained that cartoons serve as a method of self-care. Whenever you are in turmoil or facing stress, just switch on the cartoon channel and you will freshen up in a minute.

Dr. David Rosmarin, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety in New York, says he uses cartoons to treat depression. And his treatment proved to be helpful for many people who came to him to cure chronic anxiety.

The motive behind using cartoons as a therapy is to release stress by increasing pleasurable activities. Rosmarin also said that you can also watch any comedy show which will have the same effect when watching cartoons.

But there are some special advantages of watching cartoons. The cartoons depict the intricacies of adult life where there is no need to worry about money or toxic relationships. Thus, it removes the feeling of frustration, struggle, loneliness etc. and relaxes you and forces you to look at the brighter side of life.

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Cartoons are not only for kids but adults can also be free from all tensions and enjoy a peaceful life by watching them. So, the next time your kids watch cartoons, do join them. Or put on any classic cartoon to tap into your inner child again.

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The celebrated actress, author, speaker and Yogini, Anu Aggarwal, focuses on maximising potential in people’s lives and increasing happiness and peace. A trained and mastered meditation and an ambassador for UNHCR. With the sole purpose of spreading positivity and love, Anu’s AnuFunYoga brought healing to people’s lives. While so many people have been healed and found positivity in their lives, Anu’s journey doesn’t stop here. So, she continues to walk with greater reach and bring joy to the lives of those with whom she crosses her path.

To book your sessions contact us at info@anuaggarwalfoundation.org

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