
What We Do


Anu Aggarwal founded AAF (Anu Aggarwal Foundation), a non-profit organisation that got registered by the GOI in 2017, and received tax emeptions for donations in 2019. 

Anu Aggarwal, the founder, as she self-healed her PTSD with alternative yoga and a holistic approach towards health, AAF was built with the sole purpose to enrich people’s life and train them to positively structure their minds. Our mission is, to fund health, happiness, peace-igniting programs for low-income groups slum children and high-risk level stressed adults. Anu Aggarwal Foundation helps people find real happiness in life that stems from the heart. With a masters degree in social work, we serve the community wherever there is a spiritual and mental Void. We encouragesto use meditation more than medication for swasthaya, harmony between a healthy mind and a happy heart.

Our Mission

AAF tackles the key causes of poverty and hunger by rejuvenating ecosystems and building the community. We enhance the availability of education and protect children, diversify livelihoods, empower women, and strengthen the health and well-being of vulnerable communities.

Our Vission

To Empower women & children to receive access to health care, educational resources and life-changing programs in safe, clean spaces.

What We do.

Child Sponsorship

Today, as children around the world are growing up in a deadly pandemic, we are feeding, providing education and hygiene supplies to help  children,women and communities protect themselves and stay healthy.

Emergency Response

AAF business initiative mobilizes rural artisans who are located in various different clusters across India, each of the clusters are managed by state partners and local Master Artisans, to help them earn sustainable livelihoods thus preventing the rampant unsafe migration in the region and therefore makes people less vulnerable for human trafficking.

Protection Programs

Suicide is a serious public health problem that can have long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities. This includes prevention and protective strategies for individuals, families, and communities. AAF highlights strategies based on the best available evidence to help states and communities prevent suicide.

Policy and Advocacy

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS.

AAF uses multi-sectoral approach collaborating with general Health System, other Government departments, NGOs/CBOs, private sector and helps People living with HIV/AIDS.

Protection Programs

Awareness about mental health is crucial to AAF. We work relentlessly to develop it.
Mental Health Awareness programmes in schools are the need of the hour as we see that the persistent and disabling nature of psychiatric stigma.