Feed Underprivileged Children

Aaf Feed Children Living Below The Poverty Line 1
1 of 1,00,000 Donors
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Donation Total: ₹2,150.00


India has the highest number of hungry people in the world. COVID-19 has further pushed 230+ million+ Indians below the poverty line. There are 194 million Indians who will sleep hungry every day as many as 21,917 children die every day in India. India has declined in the Global Hunger Index 2021 from rank 94 to 101 among 116 countries.

What is this Campaign about?

We are serving around 500-1000 meals every day to unprivileged communities free of cost across Maharashtra & Delhi whereas the actual cost comes to around Rs.75 per meal (including rent and salaries). To fill the cost gap, we created this campaign to raise enough support to keep serving our people. As the number of people is increasing, we need regular support from people like you.

What we do:

Our goal in ending hunger is to positively impact lives. No one should go without a meal, “Anu Aggarwal Foundation” estimates over 10 million people in India will face hunger this year. We have created this fundraiser to help provide much-needed meals to children who cannot afford regular meals through the network of food banks.

Access to food changes much more. Anu Aggarwal Foundation serves daily nutritious meals to beneficiaries to help them come out of hunger. Providing daily meals reduces the financial burden in the short term, empowering them to become hunger-free in the long term. We give food as an incentive for children to come to slum schools and adults to skill development centers in Mumbai & Delhi. They upskill themselves and become self-sufficient individuals.

What have we done to date?

Our efforts are prioritized as per the Hunger Index in India, focusing on states that are high in poverty and malnutrition numbers. We serve 500-1000 meals daily to poor kids across Mumbai and Delhi. 60,000+ meals served since February 2017

Every Rs.250 donated helps provide at least 3 Meals. Anu Aggarwal Foundation plans on providing at least 1,00,000 Meals this year! We believe we will achieve this goal by donating 500-1000 Meals daily

Where we are today?

From January 2020 to November 2022, we have served more than 45,000+ meals to children. We are proud to share that we have served healthy, hygienic, and nutritious meals throughout this time.

About Organization:

Anu Aggarwal Foundation is a Mumbai based NGO, focused on distributing nutritious food to the poor and needy along with clothes, education for children, skill development amongst women and basic necessities support across the country. The aim of this campaign is “Eliminate Hunger in India” in a nation where the rich-poor divides are stark and while a million splurges on good food, we find it unacceptable that even bigger millions of people have to go to bed hungry without any means for food of nutrition.

What is our goal?

Our Goal is to feed over 1,00,000 children throughout Mumbai and Delhi this coming year. To reach our goal we have to raise approximately ₹75,00,000.

What do we need from you?

We request you to support our cause with any contribution to manage our operations and do better for the world. Connecting with us through CSR support would be the best way to help us in the long run.


By Default we have set the minimum donation for 10 children. You can change the amount to suit your liking. Help us end Hunger in India.