
How to Control Travel Anxiety

How to Control Travel Anxiety 1

How to Control Travel Anxiety

How to Control Travel Anxiety 1

The fear that arises as a result of your body’s response to stress is known as anxiety. You may notice anxiety, tension, and high blood pressure when anxiety occurs.

The anxiety of travelling to a foreign palace is known as travel anxiety. You may also feel anxious while planning or preparing for a trip. An anxious person may also feel anxious even when they have not moved or stepped outside their comfort zone.

Although apprehension is common when travelling to new places, it can be serious. It can make life more stressful and prevent you from enjoying the holidays.

In this blog, we will cover the ways through which you can overcome travel anxiety.

4 Ways to Overcome Travel Anxiety

1)     Relax your Mind & Body

Before your travel, practise relaxation methods which you can apply when you start feeling anxious. Divert your attention away from your anxieties and focus on a comforting image in your head or bring yourself back into reality.

2)     Take Deep Breaths

Deep breathing techniques are useful because anxiety can subside when you take long, calming breaths. Just avoid taking rapid, shallow breaths, which can trigger a panic attack. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

How to Control Travel Anxiety 2

3)     Meditate

Meditation reduces stress and improves health. You can practice meditation even for a short period of time to see its positive effects on your body and mind. And with regular practice, you may also be able to control your anxiety.

4)     Find Travel Companion 

Worry can be a lot less when you fly with your friend or a companion. They can easily talk you out of your anxious mind and connect with you. Discuss this with them before leaving for the trip and make them aware of your concerns.

How to Control Travel Anxiety 3


The celebrated actress, author, speaker, yogini, and AAF founder and director, Anu Aggarwal, focuses on maximising potential in people’s lives and building happiness within them. She has revolutionized yoga through her unique AnuFunYoga sessions and has changed the way people look at mental health.

To book your sessions contact us at info@anuaggarwalfoundation.org

#anxiety #mentalhealth #travelanxiety #meditate

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