
Loving Kindness Guided Meditation for You to Practice

Loving kindness Guided Meditation for You to Practice 1

Loving-kindness Guided Meditation for You to Practice

Loving kindness Guided Meditation for You to Practice 1

As you know what loving-kindness meditation is, here we will discuss the steps of compassionate meditation that will help you create a routine with your meditation practice.

Studies have also shown that practising loving-kindness meditation has a variety of beneficial effects, including reducing stress, improving emotional well-being, and increasing feelings of compassion and empathy toward others.

Loving-kindness Meditation Script

Here is a loving-kindness meditation script that will help you get started.

  • Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax.
  • Bring to mind someone you love and care for deeply. Picture them in your mind’s eye, and silently repeat mantras such as “may you be happy, may you be healthy, etc. Repeat these phrases several times, and allow yourself to truly feel the emotions of love and compassion towards this person.
  • Next, bring to mind a neutral person, someone you do not have strong feelings towards. Repeat the mantras for this person “may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be at peace”.
  • Then, bring to mind someone who has been difficult for you in the past, someone with whom you have conflict or tension. Repeat the phrases for this person as well.
  • Lastly, expand the circle of compassion to include all beings, everywhere. Repeat the phrases for “all beings” and try to imagine sending love and compassion to every living creature on Earth.
  • End the meditation by taking a few deep breaths, and slowly opening your eyes.

Loving kindness Guided Meditation for You to Practice 2

Remember that this is just a script, and there are different riffs of loving-kindness meditation, and the phrasing can also be adjusted to suit your needs or beliefs.

Few Mantras for Loving-kindness Meditation

Here is a list of some mantras that you repeat during your meditation.

  • May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I be at ease.
  • May those around me be happy. May they be healthy. May they be at ease.
  • May all living beings be happy. May they be healthy. May they be at ease.
  • May the world be happy. May it be healthy. May it be at ease.
  • May I be free from suffering. May I be at peace.
  • May all beings be free from suffering. May they be at peace.

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